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Having a Well-Planned Content Strategy Makes All the Difference

Notice the guy in the photo above…he is proposing to the love of his life. What do you think will happen when she sees the ring he bought contains no shiny rock?

Or how about something less tragic? Ever eaten a BLT sandwich without the bacon? It’s not awesome (and just as tragic, actually). How about a PB&J without the peanut butter or jelly? All you’re left with is “and…?”

In all of these examples the best part of the “thing” is what’s inside…the good stuff…the content.

Content Matters

Your website is no different. The basic elements of a website – the homepage, a few more pages, a contact page and a few social media icons sprinkled here and there – just are not enough (they never were). If your business has a website without an ongoing Content Strategy …it just won’t work.

Make Your Content Work for You

Any original messaging that you create for the web through blogging and social media is content. A growing body of relevant and compelling content is a highly effective means of establishing your expertise, presenting your company as an expert source of information and cementing your brand into your market.

Content strategy consists of creating and executing carefully planned blog posts, website service content and social media content, which continuously expand your content footprint on the web. This gives consumers a greater chance of finding you and allowing you to establish your mark in your industry.

Content = SEO

Content is a win-win for everyone involved. Search engines desire fresh, quality, authoritative content. Your customers crave experiences that provide them with value. Content achieves both of these lofty goals. Content is SEO. Without it, your marketing results will never be what you want them to be.

Working with Unravel

Unravel currently administers over 50 different content strategy campaigns for dozens of clients in a variety of industries. We will act as your personal content marketers by developing a content marketing strategy based on your marketing needs, writing your content, keeping your platform secure and more. We will create the most compelling content on the web possible, all on your behalf.

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