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What if we told you that you could deliver your product, your content, and your message directly into your customer’s hands? What if we told you that if you did this, you could be more effective with your marketing efforts than with any social media effort? Judging by the title of this page, you know what the answer is. And it’s not a joke: email newsletter marketing is one of the most effective ways you can deliver your content right to the people who need—and want—to see it.

Email Newsletter Marketing: Your Content in Their Inboxes

Email has existed since the dawn of the internet but it has only become more sophisticated and effective as digital marketing continues to evolve. The email newsletter of today is engaging syndication of your content (whether it be blog content, product specials and the like) that reaches the people who want to be engaged with. It’s a permission-based marketing activity where someone (a prospect, customer or friend) that is interested in what you have to offer requests that you send him or her one or more regular communications.

No spam. No unsolicited messaging. Just pure, unadulterated content that arrives in their inbox because they want it to be there. The power of opt-in allows your users to seek out your content with the hope that you’ll deliver it to them regularly. They want it. They need it. They’ve given you permission to send it to them. So give the people what they want.

Working with Unravel

Your content deserves to be shared with your customers. Your customers want what you have to offer. Forgoing the extra mile and taking extraordinary measures to keep your users informed, you will be rewarded with new business more often. Unravel can bridge the gap by crafting regular email newsletter campaigns to strategically distribute your content and keep your users returning to you time and time again. Contact us today to learn how we can develop email newsletter marketing for your company.

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